Alaska Fine Art Photography

Alaska Photography for Sale

Over the last decade, Mary Parkhill has traveled throughout Southeast Alaska photographing the extreme landscapes, beautiful wildlife and scenic nature. There’s nothing more magical than seeing a pod of humpback whales bubble net feed or seeing a salmon run happening underneath your boat. As serene and beautiful as Alaska is, its raw power and ever-changing weather conditions can make photography a challenge.

Interested in learning more about Mary Parkhill’s Alaskan adventures? Check out her Whale and Orca blog here and learn about her ‘must sees’ and ‘must dos’ along with great photography locations here in her pursuit to capture the rugged, beautiful state of Alaska.

Humpback Whale Fluke During Sunset | Photography Print

Soaring Eagle in Alaska | Photography Print
from $39.00

Wildlife Photography in Juneau, Alaska

Alaska is known for its pristine waters and incredible wildlife. Bald eagles soaring overhead, salmon fishing runs moving up the mouth of the streams and black bears and brown bears eating salt grass along the shores during the early summer days and feasting on salmon during the late summer days. Alaska is home to some of the most magnificent wildlife in the world.

Taking advantage of a unique opportunity to spend summers in southeast Alaska, Mary Parkhill has had the opportunity to witness some of nature’s most awe-inspiring moments, like an Orca greeting her from the water.

Alaska Nature Photography

During the summer months (June/July/August), landscape photographer Mary Parkhill calls Juneau, Alaska home. As an avid outdoors woman and angler, Mary can be found photographing Alaska’s natural beauty, fishing for halibut and salmon or working as a deckhand on ‘True North’.

Mary’s work has taken her through Anchorage, Petersburg, Juneau, Sitka via Frederick Sound, Wrangell Narrows and the Gastineau Channel. Interested in hearing more about her travel adventures? Check out her Alaska Whale and Orca blog here!

Alaskan Flora and Fauna | Photography Print
from $19.00

Juneau, Alaska Lifestyle

Mary Parkhill on True North

Mary Parkhill on True North

Taking in Juneau, Alaska

Taking in Juneau, Alaska



Alaska Photography for Sale

Below are the most recent Alaskan fine art photography prints for sale. Mary’s Mark leverages only the best canvases, prints and acrylics for you to display in your home. Check out all of our Alaska work by clicking Shop All located below each fine art photograph.